Posted in Monthly Wrap-Ups

November 2023 Wrap-Up 🍲

Happy Thursday, bibliophiles!

Here we are, and once again, the year is nearly over…at least we have season 5 of Fargo to distract us from the inevitable passage of time.

Let’s begin, shall we?


Break aside, November has been on the busier side, but it’s been a productive one for me. It’s been chaos as far as my workload has gone, but part of that chaos was the editing that led me to send off two of my short stories for consideration to be published in some school literary journals! I won’t hear back for several months, but I’m so excited!! The initial impostor syndrome has faded (it’ll probably come back in a few months, mark my words…I’ve got my NyQuil ready), but either way, I’m really proud for taking this first step. Now, the workload chaos is in the form of looming final projects, which is not nearly as fun, but at least I don’t have to take a stats final at the crack of dawn like last year.

My reading has been a bit slower this month (see above), but as far as enjoyment goes, I’ve had a much more successful month! I had another 5-star read in the form of Ceremony (me when mixed-race experience and themes of storytelling), and I only had one book in the 2-star range for this whole month! I ended up reading a ton of literary and literary-leaning fiction for no particular reason, but the ones I read this month were almost all hits. I’ve had some more time to blog, what with break and whatnot, so it’s been fun to write more frequently before finals hits me like a train.

Other than that, I’ve just been trying to draw and play guitar (when I can), watching Taskmaster and The Great British Bakeoff (hEY NOW NO SPOILERS US AMERICANS HAVE TO WAIT UNTIL FRIDAY FOR THE FINAL), trying to ignore how cold the weather is, and rejoicing the return of Fargo! FARGO! I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN!

…say, are we gonna talk about how utterly insane episode 3 was? Just me?

Also, for your casual amusement, here’s the mess that is my Apple Music Replay for this year:


I read 15 books this month! Again, slower than normal, but it’s impressive to me, given how much editing and pre-finals chaos has consumed me this month.

2 – 2.75 stars:

Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone

3 – 3.75 stars:

Hunger Makes the Wolf

4 – 4.75 stars:

Our Wives Under the Sea

5 stars:





finally got through the rest of Peter Gabriel’s non-soundtrack albums WOO
my first Arlo Parks album!! wonderful, summery stuff
so whimsically creepy

Today’s song:

hnnnnnngh 70’s guitars

That’s it for this month in blogging! Have a wonderful rest of your day, and take care of yourselves!


book blogger, aspiring author, music nerd, comics fan, stargazer. ☆ she/her ☆ ISFJ ☆ bisexual ☆ spd ☆ art: @spacefacedraws

14 thoughts on “November 2023 Wrap-Up 🍲

  1. Thank you so much for the mention! I’m so happy to see you enjoyed Family Lore by Elizabeth Acevedo, I really want to read it. Good luck with everything you have going on. And OMG I wanna know your reaction to the GBBO winner!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m considering listening to the audiobook of Family Lore. I’ve never listened to the audio for an Elizabeth Acevedo book which feels like a must with her writing being so lyrical.

        Same! I was so sure Tasha was going to win! Saku was my all time favourite though. Me and my friend watch it together (with eclairs always) but our different schedules mean we watch it later on in the week. We’d gotten spoiled for Saku’s exit and when we finally got around to the episode I couldn’t watch her leaving. Mercifully I had to leave to catch the bus home haha.
        Hope you love the final!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. oooh! I never thought of that either. I never really listen to audiobooks, but I bet hers would be amazing!!

        I LOVED saku too!! she was the sweetest 🥲 I was so sad to see her go too!! I liked abbi and keith too, it was sad to see both of them go so early. keith’s voice reminds me a bit of michael caine hahahaha

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Congrats on submitting your short stories and I hope at least one is chosen for publication!!

    I’m impressed with how much you manage to read while still being in school! I read almost zero books while I was in college lol. Good luck on your final projects!

    Also I’d be curious to know what you thought of Where Peace is Lost!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks so much!! I hope so too!!
      and thank you!! yeah it’s less than I normally read but I normally devour books in 2 days tops, so…certainly a change in my routine haha
      where peace is lost was definitely solid!! I read another book by the same author and I wasn’t the biggest fan, and this one was much better!! I didn’t get the space fantasy vibe personally but I liked the survival aspect.

      hope you have a great december!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m assuming the other book was Chilling Effect? The space cats in that one had me curious but I wasn’t sure since it’s focused on humor. But I’m glad to hear that this one is better! I usually like space fantasy so it sounds good to me.

        Thanks and you as well!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. yep, chilling effect! forgot the title. I don’t remember much about it save for the cats and (surprisingly) not liking it, but granted, I read it during a rough patch in my life, so that’s partially to blame. take it with a grain of salt.


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